Taking The Initiative
Maybe your customers aren’t asking you about something because they’re getting answers from someone else.
The Right Person For The Job
Your in-house marketer is great at social media, but their web chops aren’t all that? That’s perfectly normal.
Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail
If you don’t have a marketing budget, you don’t have a marketing plan. Which means you’re going to fail.
It’s Not (Just) About Content
Content is important. But context eats its lunch.
Spoilt for Choice
Customers are spoilt for choice. How do you make them choose you rather than the competition?
If We Build It, They Will Come
Whether it’s tradeshows, PR, social media or whatever else: today you need to be in the minds of your target market before the show starts.
Your Business Isn’t “The Best”. Stop Lying To Everyone
You’re NOT the best at what you do. If you were, you wouldn’t have to say it.
Are you Persuading, Informing, or Re-affirming?
Customers will resist marketing sales and messages that do not resonate with their own way of thinking.
Keeping Your Business Communications Simple
Study after study shows that people prefer simplicity. Less really is more.
Too Close To The Problem: Effective Communication
Sometimes it’s hard to see the real marketing problem because of one’s own proximity and familiarity to it.
Blending Into The Crowd: The Problem With Price Comparison Sites
If all you have to go on is your pricing being lower, you’re on a one-way ticket to irrelevance.
Saying No to ‘No’
Dear Middle-Managers: Stop being part of the problem.
The Importance Of A Content Marketing Strategy
Blasting messaging without a clear content marketing strategy is doomed to failure.
What Does Your Company Sell?
Are you selling price, or customer value?
Lingua Franca
Global commerce means brand language – in any language – should be seen as a strategic and valuable business asset.
Don’t Blame The Tools For Your Lousy Presentation
The reason your PowerPoint sucks is because you’re expecting the software to do your work for you.
Are Your Salespeople Selling? Or Are They Begging?
If all you are doing is asking for the sale, then you are not selling. You’re just begging the customer for the order.
Is Conventional Marketing Dead?
If conventional marketing is dead, it actually died a long time ago.
“One Size Fits All” Format Coming For Online Video
Some interesting news on the video content front.
Personalization Is Dead
Individualization beats personalization any day of the week.
2010: The Year Of The Video
Your company can no longer afford to ignore the potential that online video offers for your business value messaging.
New Thinking For A New Decade
If you’re marketing this decade like you marketed the last decade, you will most likely be disappointed with your results.
Companies Don’t Control Their Brands: Customers Do. It’s Time To Rebrand Branding
Think you control your brand? Think again.
It’s Not What You Know…It’s Who You Know
How the internet, and social networks, have helped break down barriers to commerce.
Do the Right Thing: Fire Your Worst Customers
Not all customers are worthy of your time.
Has The Term “Outsourcing” Become Obsolete?
Business process outsourcing hasn’t just changed the way companies of all sizes operate and deliver their business value. Its presence can be felt in pretty much every level and department.
Small Business Marketing: The Future’s Mobile
The mobile internet is coming fast. How does your company plan to take advantage of the opportunity that online mobile devices will provide?
Apples To Apples: Comparing Your Business To The Competition
Don’t be afraid, or in denial, about your business competitors. You know they exist, so do your customers. So stop pretending.
The Thrill Of The (Sales) Chase: But Don’t Forget Existing Customers
Selling to new customers is great. But selling to existing customers is easier and cheaper.
Hanging On The Telephone
Unscrupulous sales behavior always gets found out.
Russian Roulette
Marketing without targeting is like a broken pencil: pointless.Who’s Damaging Your Brand?
Customers are looking at every touchpoint they see of your business – and judging you accordingly.
Now What Do You Do?
Know your market. Existing customers need different collateral to new ones.
Is Your Brand Helping Sales, Or Hurting Them?
Customers like to categorize brands in order to make sense of them. That can restrict your offering.
Your Customers Don’t Care
If you’ve got nothing worth saying, why should they bother listening?
External Influences
Every industry has their unique set of external influences that govern the validity of your business value. Make you that you know the factors that influence your business – and keep an eye on where they’re heading.
A Taste Of Your Own Medicine
Stand in your own queue.
Email Becomes “Me-Mail”
Integrating video into your sales and marketing messaging, collateral and customer engagement activities is taking on ever-greater importance. Video captivates audience attention far better than text and/or images alone, and also helps differentiate your company.Even more articles!