Using Video To Help Launch Your Product / Service
Adding video to your website not only attracts more visitors, but it can help keep them on your site for longer.
It’s not WHAT you sell, it’s WHY you sell
Customers buy into why you’re in business, as much (or even more) than what you’re selling.
The Future Of Magazines – and it’s not (just) the iPad
The future of publishing is in developing content on an open platform that’s compatible with a variety of devices – and that means HTML5, not iOS, Android Windows Phone or any other proprietary system.
Review: “Enchantment” by Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki’s new book “Enchantment” talks about the importance to go the extra mile in customer service and satisfaction before, during, and after the sale.
Media Companies: Stop Trying To Save The Past
Media companies will fail in their efforts to put obstacles in the way of content distribution.
Why Didn’t I Think Of That? Asking The Right Business Questions
Asking questions is only important if you’re prepared to act on the answers – no matter how painful they may be.
Keeping Your Fans Happy With New Content
Saying the same as everyone else, just to post something out there, is a surefire way to irrelevance.
Translation Management with QARTO – Video Presentation
Content asset management for language.
Vid.ly: The Biggest Development In Online Video?
An interesting new player (sic) in the video space.
Mainstream Media Is Broken: The Growth Of Online
In the same way as publishers, newspapers & music companies before them, film studios must change to a customer-centric model in order to survive.
What Do You Do For An Encore?
Having them come to you one time is great. But how do you get them to come back?
Stop Selling
There’s one common trait that the best sales and marketing people all seem to possess: Passion.
Don’t Be An Expert
Don’t have all the answers? That’s fine – none of us do.
Show Your Customers Some Love
The world needs more lovecats.
Building Real Customer Relations
The importance of building real, authentic, and lasting relationships.
The Attention Span Of A Goldfish
Keep your communication short, sharp – and simple.
Playing To Win In Business
Today’s marketing is about going all-in.
Think Different
Being different is the only tactic that makes any sense. So why do so few businesses waste their time/money with playing it safe?
It’s Not Voodoo. It’s Marketing
Social media marketing isn’t a quicker route to the pot of gold.
Saying What You Mean
It is easy to confuse your target market by using what they might consider to be strange or unusual vocabulary.
Change Your Business, Or Watch It Die
Change is a given. React and adapt – or die.
Do you have Followers, Fans or Evangelists?
Getting your customers to help out with your marketing. Why? Because they want to.
The Fragility Of A Business Model
Disrupt your own business and industry – before your competition does.
Friendship Is The New Partnership
We don’t have customers – at least, we don’t see them as such. Instead, we have friends that we do business with.
Where’s the Center of Your World? You’re Already There
Geographic location no longer has the advantage – or disadvantage – it had.
The Price Of Everything, The Value Of Nothing.
Relying on price as being your main selling point positions your value offering as a commodity – and a race to the bottom.
How Long Did It Take You To Learn How To Ride A Bike?
The time it takes to learn a new skill.
Start With “Employee Service” and “Customer Service” Will Follow
Your employees are your first-line brand ambassadors. Treat them well.
Bad Marketing Is Worse Than No Marketing
Lazy, incompetent marketers have less places to hide.
How Do You Make A Sculpture Of A Duck?
As a sculptor removes the superfluous, your marketing must remove the unnecessary in order to reach your target audience. Keep your messaging short, sharp and to the point.Online Video: Much More Than Just YouTube
People like watching moving pictures more than static ones.
Today’s Game Is About Changing The Game
The fact remains: your industry and customer expectations will change. You can either lead that change, or follow it.Why Video Speaks Louder Than Words
Your text-only website was fine five years ago. But today, customers expect more.
Business Designs On Commerce
How you present something is at least as important as what you present.
Less Public and More Relations
Public Relations is in a race to grow up, before it faced increasing irrelevance.
Your Company Isn’t Perfect
Every business screws up. The difference between the good ones and the bad ones is how the screw-up is handled.
Simple Is Complicated
Complicating your messaging might make you feel good about yourself. But everyone else thinks you suck.
Asking For Permission With Your Marketing
Seth Godin’s “Permission Marketing” was ahead of its time.Even more articles!