“I don’t want to hear about problems! Only Solutions!”
Ignoring the facts that are staring you in the face is tantamount to a wilful dereliction of duty.
Seeing Your Product Through Your Customer’s Eyes
Customers buy a solution to a particular problem that they have, in order to achieve a desired outcome. Their reason for buying is simply to make that problem go away.
Don’t Listen To Your Customers
Customers don’t always know what they want. That’s your job.
Flash? In The Pan
Flash? Arrggghhh…
The Danger Of The Gilded Cage
Promotion often means rising to the level of incompetence.
What’s Your Company’s Video Strategy?
Businesses should be present in the market spaces customers frequent to avoid missing out on potential opportunities.
The Price Of Free
It’s tough to charge money for something your customers used to get for free.
What Value Do You Put On Creativity?
Underestimating the value of creativity in your business sets you on the road to becoming seen as a commodity.
The Second Mouse Gets The Cheese
If your business isn’t innovating, it’s going backwards.
Hidden Message
Some thoughts on Microsoft’s latest ad campaign.
A Simple Tip For Better Business Presentations
Try this one tip to improve your presentations, using something you probably already have lying around.
Why Should Customers Choose You?
Customers choose to buy from you for many reasons. Your product is just one of them.
Judging A (Note)Book By Its Cover
The birth of a new product segment – and its soon-to-be rapid, untimely death.
How Do Your Customers Find You?
Customers find your business in a variety of ways, via numerous channels. It’s important to be where they expect to find you – as well as not in places where you’re not welcome.
Time To Outsource Your Marketing?
Outsourcing your marketing to an agency gives you access to top-drawer experience, experience, and advice. You’re still driving the initiatives, it’s just that someone else is behind the wheel.
Keeping Your Business Relevant In Your Customer’s Mind
If your company occupies a space that could conceivably be embraced by your current customer base, then why should they continue to buy from you?
Non-Optional Extras: Hiding The True Cost From Your Customers
When you have the gall to charge an extra $500 delivery on a $30,000 automobile purchase, the only thing the customer remembers is the insult of having to pay the hidden extra.
Are Your Marketing Materials Too “Wordy”?
Are you being too extravagant in your textual messaging? Just the facts, ma’am.
Making Lemonade From Lemons
Even once the economy bounces back, we’re not going back to ‘the good old days’. The climate will be different. Customers will be different, so business will need to be different.
Moving Pictures
The future of the internet is video.
Taking it Personally With Printed Cards
If you’re sending holiday cards out by email, you’re totally missing the point.
Making a Mint on YouTube
Video sites such as YouTube don’t just give your business a platform to market. They can pay you too.
Standing Out From The Crowd
Your business needs to stand out. It needs to shout about how great it is. If it doesn’t, don’t expect anyone else to.
Tradeshow Trauma: Are Trade Exhibitions Still Relevant To Your Small Business?
Exhibiting at a tradeshow can be a very effective sales tool. But today, so can many other things.
The Writing’s On The Wall For Blogs
Blogging isn’t dying. But the quality and depth of blog articles must increase, in the light of increased competition for reader attention.
Missing The Point in Sales Copywriting?
Sales and marketing copywriting should be written from the customer’s viewpoint and language – not yours.
Are Your Presentations Letting You Down?
Business Presentations are as much about showbiz, theatre, and acting as they are about message delivery. Which is probably why so many of them suck.
The Impending Digital Disruption For Enterprise Software Pricing
“Enterprise” software manufacturers need to provide more relevant pricing models. Their customers demand it.
Business Process Alignment: Singing From The Same Hymn Sheet
Business process alignment means everyone working with a common business goal in mind for the benefit of customers AND employees.
Flying Blind: The Importance Of Website Analytics
The only way you can improve the performance of your website is through measurement. That means using and understanding website analytics software.
How Sociable Are You?
Social networks offer content-driven marketers an opportunity to best position their businesses as thought-leaders.
Increase Sales Leads From Your Website
Want more website leads? Get a better company website. Your site needs to be more than an online brochure.
Embrace Video – Before Your Competitors Do
Video-based content offers huge opportunities within any startup or small business marketing repertoire.
Flash-driven websites, unless constructed well, are rarely the best medium for communication.
Taking the ‘P’ Out Of PDF
With its most recent developments in the PDF file format, is Adobe abandoning the printing industry?Even more articles!