Latest article Trying To Out-Google Customers: Why You’ll Lose At Web SearchDon’t try to go up against your customers when it comes to content for web search results. You won’t win.READ MORE
Shouting Can’t Compete With Storytelling Today’s communication is less about shouting your message AT your customers, and more about telling your story TO them. Creativity is the new currency.
Email Marketing: It’s a Question Of Value It may not get the headlines any more, but email is still an amazingly effective communication medium.
Howzat! Communicating Information like Twenty20 Customer content consumption habits have evolved. Attention spans have decreased. Your marketing information needs to be shorter, sharper, and to-the-point.
The Mobile Web Isn’t The Web The mobile version of your website needs to present content differently from the desktop version.
Have Product Brochures Become Obsolete? The role of a marketer has changed, to now include the curation of user-generated content and use the company’s visibility to push this content to the their audience. So do we still need product brochures?
Content Isn’t Everything. It’s The Only Thing. Few businesses take the content of their customer-facing collateral as seriously as they should.
Don’t Be (Seen As) An Average Company The most dangerous marketing strategy for your business today is to be seen as being “average”.
Maintaining Credibility In The Eyes Of Your Customer If you don’t seem credible to your customer, they’ll buy elsewhere.
Social Media Grows Up: Welcome To The Age of Curation There’s too much content out there for most of us to consume. Curation is the next era for the web, but what are the implications for your business?
No-one Reads Your Press Release: Why PR Became Lazy Have PR agencies become lazy and complacent in how they represent their clients?
Keeping Your Fans Happy With New Content Saying the same as everyone else, just to post something out there, is a surefire way to irrelevance.
What Do You Do For An Encore? Having them come to you one time is great. But how do you get them to come back?
Do you have Followers, Fans or Evangelists? Getting your customers to help out with your marketing. Why? Because they want to.
Where’s the Center of Your World? You’re Already There Geographic location no longer has the advantage – or disadvantage – it had.
Today’s Game Is About Changing The Game The fact remains: your industry and customer expectations will change. You can either lead that change, or follow it.
Less Public and More Relations Public Relations is in a race to grow up, before it faced increasing irrelevance.
Your Company Isn’t Perfect Every business screws up. The difference between the good ones and the bad ones is how the screw-up is handled.
Simple Is Complicated Complicating your messaging might make you feel good about yourself. But everyone else thinks you suck.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do There has to be buy-in at every company level in order for any marketing initiative to truly work.
Taking The Initiative Maybe your customers aren’t asking you about something because they’re getting answers from someone else.
The Right Person For The Job Your in-house marketer is great at social media, but their web chops aren’t all that? That’s perfectly normal.
Keeping Your Business Communications Simple Study after study shows that people prefer simplicity. Less really is more.
Too Close To The Problem: Effective Communication Sometimes it’s hard to see the real marketing problem because of one’s own proximity and familiarity to it.
Blending Into The Crowd: The Problem With Price Comparison Sites If all you have to go on is your pricing being lower, you’re on a one-way ticket to irrelevance.
Don’t Blame The Tools For Your Lousy Presentation The reason your PowerPoint sucks is because you’re expecting the software to do your work for you.
2010: The Year Of The Video Your company can no longer afford to ignore the potential that online video offers for your business value messaging.
New Thinking For A New Decade If you’re marketing this decade like you marketed the last decade, you will most likely be disappointed with your results.
It’s Not What You Know…It’s Who You Know How the internet, and social networks, have helped break down barriers to commerce.