Latest article How Behavioral Science Thinking Improves Marketing EffectivenessSmall businesses should adopt a more nuanced understanding of their customers, informed by behavioral insights and grounded in real-world observations.READ MORE
Dark Social: The Hidden Conversations Marketers Can’t See As digital marketing continues to evolve, understanding the power of “dark” social becomes crucial for marketers seeking to tap into the hidden currents of online conversations and drive meaningful engagement with their audiences.
Marketing In A Recession: How To Weather The Storm Marketing during a recession can increase brand awareness, visibility, reach, and engagement. But only when you have someone with advanced marketing experience.
How To Convince A Marketing Skeptic How do you convert a marketing skeptic into a supportive advocate? By showing them you know what you’re doing.
Privacy Protection: Why Ad Tracking Must End The abuse of user tracking has not only resulted in less effective marketing. It threatens to jeopardize the entire marketing industry.
Marketing Isn’t About Being Brave: It’s About Being Effective Marketers need to restore creativity to the forefront of business success, while ensuring that something that may appear to be brave is actually low risk and ultimately effective.
Why Seeking Consensus Prevents Business Innovation Managers look for easy consensus, instead of looking to build a corporate culture of trust able to support vigorous debate.
Why Your eCommerce Site Isn’t Generating Sales Some of the more common mistakes we see in the presentation and marketing of e-commerce sites.
Marketing Isn’t (Just) About Marketing Any More Today’s truly effective Marketing Department needs to expand into previously-restricted departmental silos such as sales, support, and even finance.
COVID-19 Makes Marketing More Important Than Ever The structural and behavioral changes brought about by COVID-19 means marketing has never been more important than today.
Why RFPs Don’t Work When Selecting A Marketing Agency RFPs are an ineffective way to find a marketing agency partner for your business.
Reading The Room: Marketing During A Crisis Marketing during a pandemic is not the time to beat your corporate chest. It’s time to be seen as a valued corporate citizen. The world does not need vague and insincere promises of support.
How Changes To Search and Social Media Negatively Affect Your Business While social media seems to be more about media and less about social, Google seems to be taking search clicks away from businesses.
Selling A Premium Product Is About More Than Its Price Many businesses charge less than they could for their products and services. Pricing based on research and cost analysis provides the confidence to communicate and position a product’s true value.
What You’re Doing Isn’t Marketing There’s a trend for every answer to be a digital one. But all the data analytics, martech, chatbots, and targeted ads in the world won’t matter if your core messaging falls flat in its face.
The Importance of Marketing Strategy in Today’s Evolving Free Market Any great marketing strategy has at its core a deep and fundamental understanding of customer behavior.
Top 10 Small Business Marketing Mistakes Creating strong, engaging marketing for your small business can be tough. Learn the top 10 mistakes to avoid as well as how to fix these common problems.
Why Do Customers Buy From Your Competitors? Because They Can The majority of your potential customers are not buying from you, for reasons that make perfect sense to them. What are you doing to find meaningful competitive advantage?
Customer Service Begins Before You Have A Customer Considering how important it is for any business, Customer Experience should be thought of as a strategic business pillar in the same way as marketing or sales.
Choosing The Right Marketing Agency For Your Small Business Is your marketing agency a ‘supplier’, or a ‘partner’? Here are some tips on evaluating your current marketing firm, and what to consider if you’re looking for a new one.
Why Marketers Need To Learn The Language Of The Finance Department Marketers need to better understand how the Finance department works – and thinks – in order to work together to deliver better decisions and outcomes for the business.
What Your Customer Wants – Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Your Product Why should customers buy from you, rather than your competition? If you don’t have a compelling value proposition for them, customers will buy on price – meaning you’ve probably lost the sale.
Better Business Marketing Means Having A Better Business At its most fundamental, marketing is about effecting change. The challenge is educating, informing and/or entertaining your audience to be perceived as the change you want to happen.
Embracing Imperfection: Flaws Make Your Business More Likeable Customers already assume brands are fallible. Admitting weakness is a tangible demonstration of honesty and, therefore, makes your other claims more believable.
The Business Myth Of First-Mover Advantage Markets aren’t controlled by first-mover advantage. Market domination is determined by whoever is first to best meet the needs of the customer.
Effective Marketing Doesn’t Have To Mean Expensive Marketing It’s impossible to express any sufficient level of credibility of the value promise, unless the extent to which you promote the promise is commensurate with the significance of the product or service concerned.
A Marketing Campaign Doesn’t Have To Be Digital The notion of ‘digital’ and ‘traditional’ marketing being separate is outdated, since all marketing includes digital components.
A Question Of Customer Trust: The Secret To Building A Successful Business Customers won’t buy from you if they don’t feel they can trust you. How does a business create that feeling of trust?
Does A Customer-Centric Business Exist? Businesses may believe they are behaving in a customer-centric manner. However internal obstacles often prevent their actions supporting more than one or two stakeholder groups.
Thanks to Martech, Marketing Comes Back To Its Roots The future of marketing is a diverse and modern combination of data analysis, technical and semantic SEO, social, and creative disciplines working together.
Why The GDPR Will Improve Your Marketing The European Union’s GDPR legislation provides perhaps the single biggest opportunity for businesses of all sizes (and locations) to improve their marketing performance.
What Do You Do When Your Marketing Isn’t Working? Effective marketing isn't about adopting a piece of technology, being clever, or winning awards. It's (still) about appealing to basic human emotions.
Stop Calling Your Small Business A ‘Startup’ – Because It’s Not Your small business is struggling for the same reasons that any business struggles. Which is precisely why you’re not a startup.
“Millennials” Don’t Exist As A Marketing Segment Being a millennial is not a ticket to a different kind of mindset. The myth of the “millennial segment” makes a mockery of just about every principle of marketing segmentation.
The Evolving Relationship Between Sales And Marketing The traditional roles of sales and marketing have evolved, as technology has shaped and influenced customer buying behavior. Marketing now does more, but that doesn’t mean the role of sales is now irrelevant.
The Difference Between Strategy and Tactics The marketing industry has been upended over the past decade from marketing technology. The result is many businesses focus on tactics and forget about strategy – with disastrous results.
Offering Fewer Product Features As A Marketing Strategy: The 80/20 Rule How many of us wake up and ask ourselves how we can offer LESS than our competition? Probably no one – yet that may be the most important question you can ask yourself about your small business. Welcome to the 80/20 Rule.
Digital Disruption Isn’t Digital Adoption: Technology Isn’t Changing Society “Like Never Before” Meaningful digital disruption is not about society adopting new tools or technologies. It’s about society implementing new behaviors.
The 10 Minute Rule For Keeping Audience Attention Businesses of every size need to create exceptional, remarkable marketing experiences for their audiences if they are to have a chance of being remembered.
Most Business Marketing Advice is Wrong Most advice from so-called marketing gurus aren’t worth the blogs they’re written on. That’s because most of them have little basis in reality and are merely regurgitations of everyone else’s marketing articles with the same hopeless and ineffective ideas.