Startup and Small Business
Today’s business climate is radically different from just a few years ago.
Today's buyer is more sophisticated in their purchasing approach. They're looking for guidance, advice, and recommendations - not sales pitches.
Yesterday, the Sales Department were deemed responsible for generating revenue. Today, that responsibility lies with the entire company.
Businesses can no longer use the same, old-school methodology to sell into today's new-technology marketplace. That's where we come in.
Our products and marketing services are designed to help your startup or small business better align its business value communication with today's buyer expectations.
A Range Of Business Marketing Services

What is “Marketing”?
Marketing is whatever people are saying about you
The object of marketing is simple: To feed the sales channel with leads, and to nurture prospective customers until they enter the decision/buying phase.
We work with your existing sales and marketing personnel to develop programs and campaigns that increase corporate and product awareness. The goal is to build reputation, reliability and trust in your business value offering in the minds of your target audience.
Behavioral Science
Why do buyers think the way they think?Here’s a question for you: Why, with all the technology we have at our disposal today, is the ultimate effectiveness of marketing and advertising continuing to fall? We’re spending more, yet getting ever smaller results.
We’ve got ‘programmatic’ this, and ‘custom audience profile’ that. We’ve got AI, LLMs, remarketing tags, chatbots, and more personalization than you can wave a stick at.
Yet the commercial results we’re getting continue to disappoint. How can that be?
Behavioral Science, sometimes referred to as Behavioral Economics, is the application of certain psychological principles and process rigor to allow us to better understand the mental consideration processes involved when a customer buys something.
By understanding the behavioral, psychological, and emotional drivers that form the basic mental structures of how and why human beings buy things allows us to better frame and present our value offering to be more attuned with the conscious or unconscious expectations of buyers.
As customers, most of us like to think of ourselves as being rational and logical decision-makers. However, in reality this is very far from the truth. Over 90% of the decisions we make every single day are taken intuitively, emotionally, or based on previous experience.
Our Behavioral Science services take a deep dive into a cross-section of your existing and future customer base. We conduct research and run interviews and surveys to intrinsically understand how your customers arrive at the buying decisions they make. To better understand the influences, context, and environment that have a contributory effect to purchase.
We then work with you to reframe and present your product or service in ways that better resonate with audience expectations. The goal is for your product to be top-of-mind when a prospective customer moves into the buying phase.
Content Marketing Services
Building trust via thought leadership
In an age where the web, social and mobile technologies have changed the way we make buying decisions, traditional "push" marketing techniques are no longer as effective as they once were.
Potential buyers are looking for useful, relevant information to help them make the right purchase.
Today, marketing initiatives from organizations that are solely based on self-promotion, hyperbole, and rhetoric are seen by many people as being less trustworthy. Less credible.
What buyers are looking for is information that they consider as being objective, independent, informative and up-to-date - which is where our content marketing services come in.
Content marketing can be defined as being the creation and distribution of media (e.g. articles, images, infographics, videos, white papers, podcasts, etc.) with the aim of attracting your target audience with information that they regard as being helpful in making a purchasing decision.
The objective is to help drive the customer to take action based upon what they read, see, or hear - ultimately leading to some kind of commercial gain.
We work with you on a complete marketing services strategy, then design the tactical plan. We help you define content strategy, select appropriate audience channels and formats, and create and distribute the content.
We also deploy tools to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing to help optimize efforts and maximize Return-On-Investment.
Search Engine Optimization
If they can't find you, what's the point?
Many businesses depend on their website appearing high up on search results. Google takes into consideration around 200 factors when assessing a site, to determine how high it will rank against search criteria.
In the past 12 months Google's search engine algorithm was updated more than 1,000 times.
Do you really want to keep up with current SEO best-practices such as user search intent, keyword research, competitor analysis, markup, canonical declarations, and so on?
Wouldn't your time be better spent working ON your business, rather than IN your business?
SEO services for search engines and AI
Let us take the strain with our comprehensive small business Search Engine Optimization services.
We'll develop an online success strategy to ensure SEO efforts result in better search engine results for your business, product, or service.
We'll optimize every page with SEO-friendly copywriting and structure.
Our SEO services include keyword analyses and helping you find backlink opportunities.
The way we're searching is changing. LLMs and AI are eating traditional SEO's lunch. We will help you appear on AI prompt results.
Our team keeps abreast of the latest SEO guidelines and will maintain your site on an ongoing basis to help improve / maintain search rankings.
Social media marketing might be getting all the attention, but advertising is still the fastest and most cost-effective method of generating sales for most businesses - the facts don’t lie. Even social media juggernauts such as Facebook agree.
However, we’re not talking about the kinds of ad campaigns your parents would recognize. Advertising - like marketing - has had to reinvent itself. Most traditional advertising approaches are no longer effective and are a waste of your money.
Today advertising, like marketing in general, works when you do what your competitors aren't doing (or are too scared to do). If you want to play it safe, you'd be better off not bothering.
We design impactful advertising that cuts through the clutter - whether print, digital, social, or mobile. The aim is to create memorable. channel-agnostic campaigns as engaging as the experiences you're selling.
Integrated advertising campaigns that transcend any particular technology, design, or culture.
Content Translation
Your business is a GLOBAL business
Selling into foreign territories or countries requires your marketing and business value communication to be more than simply delivered in the target language.
It's much more than simply 'translation.' It's TRANSCREATION.
Transcreation ensures that your value messaging resonates in the minds of your target audience, using cultural and linguistic nuances of the destination language. The result is a piece of communication that doesn't give the impression that it was originally created in another language.
Using our QARTO online translation management portal you can be assured of fast translation services and accurate content localization for all of your marketing communications needs.
We can quickly and accurately localize your website and sales tools as well as marketing collateral such as emailers, flyers, advertising, and more.
Video: Business Value Matters
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth (at least) a thousand pictures!
Take a look at this presentation given by KEXINO's own Gee Ranasinha at the Marketing Reloaded conference, organized by Startups Without Borders.
Gee talks about how companies need to adapt their value messaging to better address their customer's increasing demands in today's new commercial environment.

Shannon Connor
“I typed “marketing company small business” into Google and, lo and behold, KEXINO was the first on my list of results. I knew they must be doing something right, so I called. After a lovely chat with Gee I felt an instant symbiosis and knew this was the right company to entrust with Kick Learning’s marketing needs.
I recommend KEXINO often to others in need of the services they offer, and am happy to sing their praises any time!”
Want to know more? Of course you do!
Every one of our marketing programs are custom designed for your particular business needs - and budget.
Get in touch. Let's see how we can help.
Social Media Marketing
Many businesses have dabbled in social media marketing over the past few years, with varying degrees of success.
The most common reason why a social media channel isn't resonating with its targeted audience is to do with the type of content broadcasted. Tweets, Facebook updates, or Instagram posts should not be purely promotional and self-serving.
The way social media channels work for brands is very different to how they work for individuals. If you think blasting out updates about your product or service is the route to success, you're going to be disappointed. Social media won't bring you sales.
If your content isn't interesting or useful in the minds of your audience, it's seen as just another kind of spam. Social media presents a huge potential for small businesses. But don't forget that with great power comes great responsibility.
Our social media marketing programs will help you increase your brand's visibility, awareness, and TRUST through meaningful, relevant and shareable content - both original and curated. We engage and monitor conversations, and track and analyze metrics to quickly see what's working - and what's not.
The only metric worth measuring is SALES.
Retweets, likes, comments, or shares are great - but they don't pay the bills.